Swim through the opening where the round door was to get back into the side room.
With the higher water level, you can now climb out on the ledge near the huge, metal gear shaft. Move around to the stairs on the right...
...and jump across the gap to reach the higher ledge on the other side of the room.
There are two raised alcoves here. One contains a box of supplies, the other a document (8/26), A Warning from the Ancient Cistern series. Examine it for XP and Greek.
Notice the round, wooden door. It is similar to the others, but there are no red oil cans nearby to destroy it. You'll have to return to the main room to get one. Follow the passageway on the right side of the room (when facing the wooden door). Pick up some salvage behind the ornate window grate.
Then break down the crumbling wall at the end of the passageway with your axe.
Swim back across the big pool to the ledge with the oil cans...
...and toss one onto the wooden platform, just like you did before.
Climb onto the ledge above and jump to grab the horizontal beam.
Again, this opens the sluice gate, sweeping the platform with the can to the left.
This time, instead of trying to shoot the can, drop down, swim across to the platform (hold B to swim faster), and climb on top of it.
Pick up the can. Then, as the platform floats back to the right, toss the can up into the opening you made with your axe.
If there's still time, scramble up the wall into the opening. Otherwise, swim back to the ledge, pull down the bar, swim to the platform, and try again until you're able to get both a can and Lara up into the opening.
[Part 3 | Part 5 | Return to the Challenge Tomb Walkthrough]
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