Even if you picked up every possible item and beat the Cut Short Challenge in The Acropolis, you'll still only have 93% completion, since there are two items, a document and a coin cache, that can only be obtained by revisiting the level. To get them right away, use the Cliffside Lookout Base Camp in the GEOTHERMAL VALLEY...
...to fast travel back to the Tower Courtyard Base Camp in The Acropolis. From there, follow the corridor to the west.
Crawl under the door to re-enter the tower room where you fought the last large group of Trinity soldiers.
Now the trapdoor in the center of the room is open. Drop in...
...and use your axe to pry open the metal gate.
Go through and around to the right to find a document (10/10) lying on the ledge on the other side of the small stream. This is Armor of Faith from the Diary of the Resistance series (Greek).
Continue along the passageway to the northwest.
Lara will duck and light a glow stick as you pass through this low tunnel.
When you can stand once more, continue to the end of the passageway and climb through the small, rectangular opening on the left.
The last coin cache (3/3) is buried in the far right (southwest) corner of this little room near some old barrels.
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