When revisiting this level later in the game, everything on the north side of the canyon is still accessible from the Pantheon Corridor Base Camp. There are no major collectibles on the south side of the canyon, so the most you might miss are a few coins and some salvage near the giant statue.
This page shows how to get back to each area from the base camp. If you need additional help locating specific items, check the Abandoned Mines Collectibles Guide and the main walkthrough.
To get back to the CAVE WITH THE BROKEN ELEVATOR, follow the passageway north of the base camp.
Jump over the spike pit.
At the end of the corridor, turn left and continue along the tunnel...
...to the cave with the elevator.
- OR -
Follow this sequence to get back to the RUINED CHANCEL WITH THE SHALLOW POOLS, the DARK TUNNELS WITH THE SPIKE PITS, or the ROOM WITH THE CHANDELIERS where the second round of combat took place.
From the base camp, head up the stairs to the south. Then go around the corner to the left.
This brings you back to the RUINED CHANCEL WITH THE SHALLOW POOLS. There are a few items in this area. The ladder on the east wall leads up to the last few collectibles, and the circular pit leads down to the DARK TUNNELS and, farther on, the ROOM WITH THE CHANDELIERS.
To get there, carefully climb down the ice wall inside the circular pit. Don't let go; there are spikes below.
Jump off the wall into the passageway on the right.
At the end of this passageway is the large spike pit. The explorer satchel is ahead on the left. To get back to the ROOM WITH THE CHANDELIERS, jump across the stone pillars on the left side of the pit.
Then go up the stairs on the left (just before the alcove with the relic)...
...and swing across the horizontal poles into the ROOM WITH THE CHANDELIERS.
To get back to the base camp from the ROOM WITH THE CHANDELIERS, slide down the ramp, jump at the end so you don't fall into the spikes, and latch onto the ice wall below the horizontal poles. Then climb to the top.
Go down the stairs, turn right, and jump across the pillars in the spike pit.
Turn left into the hallway that leads back to the circular pit.
Jump over the spikes, latch onto the ice wall, and climb to the top.
The base camp is just around the corner on the far right (west) side of this area.
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