From the starting point, run/roll forward along the walkway, steering around the spiked columns.
Just ahead are 4 sets of spiked rollers. Jump over the first, roll under the second, jump over the third, and roll under the fourth.
Next comes a pair of moving spiked columns. Avoid them and head to the left, where you'll find the next 3 arrow traps (21-23/35) for the arrow trap challenge.
Set a remote bomb near them and detonate it as you continue running. Beyond the first set of arrow traps is another moving spiked column, followed by a hole in the floor with a spiked roller moving back and forth across it, then another moving column. Try to steer along the right side of the hole if possible.
Just ahead on the right are the next 3 arrow traps (24-26/35) for the challenge. Destroy them as quickly as possible and move on.
Just ahead is a skeleton archer up on a pillar. If you're playing the single-player game don't bother trying to kill it. Just concentrate on getting the next power-up. Move onto the circle with the green glyphs and use the staff to raise a column from the floor.
Now jump across the 4 moving columns to the fifth, where you'll find a MAX AMMO UPGRADE. If you're playing a co-op game, some players could go after the upgrade while others deal with the enemies.
Once you have the upgrade, jump down and run/roll along the right edge of the next hazardous area: a pit with holes in the floor and a moving spiked roller.
Again, ignore the skeleton archers on the pillars and just run/roll forward between the columns and the right wall, then continue along the right edge of the next pit-and-roller hazard.
Just beyond, on the right, are the next 3 arrow traps (27-29/35) for the arrow trap challenge. Plant a bomb next to them and detonate it as you go.
The next hazard has 3 spiked columns lined up in a shallow pit with 2 moving rollers. If possible, jump across the columns to avoid injury. Otherwise just try to avoid the rollers and get through quickly. On the other side, veer to the left... bomb the next 3 arrow traps (30-32/35) for the challenge. Next comes a shallow pit with 2 long rollers and a hole between them. If possible, run/roll along the outer wall as the roller moves away from you. If that's not possible, try to jump over the roller as you go, then continue forward. As soon as you jump out of the pit... to the right to find the final 3 arrow traps (33-35/35) for the challenge.
Set your bomb and keep running as you detonate it. If you manage to destroy all of the arrow traps in the level, you'll be rewarded with the BURNED IRON RING OF SET (cold resistance, weakness to fire).
You're almost at the end now. Try to avoid the gaps in the floor as you run toward the wall ahead.
Grapple the golden ring above and climb up onto the ledge, where Ammit cannot reach you.
In co-op mode there is a golden ring for grappling, but you can also use the Egyptian's shields as stepping stones for the other characters to reach the ledge. Then grapple the characters down below so they can climb up.
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