In the co-op game you can obtain the MAX HEALTH UPGRADE in the alcove near the first red skull by having one player stand on the pressure pad to hold open the bars while another retrieves the upgrade.
In the single-player game you must find a weight to place on the pad. Head to the south, past the giant, broken statue, and you'll spot a large metal ball on a plateau to the right.
Go around the bottom of the plateau to find a ramp leading up to the ball.
Grab it and push it off the top left edge so it lands near the broken statue.
Push the ball close to the ledge with the pressure pad and then use a remote bomb to launch the ball onto the pad. This holds open the bars so you can reach the upgrade.
Now head to the south, past the huge, broken statue and one of the golden statues of Osiris. In the single player game, you'll want to bring the metal ball with you.
Just below the statues on the right is another pressure pad. Move the ball onto the pad to open the gate below.
On the way down the stairs, pick up the red skull (2/5) by first jumping onto the shorter column near the pressure pad, then the taller one with the skull. Continue downstairs and around to the left.
Carefully hop out onto the scaffolding and pick up the MAX AMMO UPGRADE in the alcove. In the co-op game, one player can stand on the pressure pad while the other retrieves the upgrade.
Roll the ball down the stairs. Then follow the footprints in the snow to the south.
Try to avoid the rotating snowmaking machines (like I didn't do here), since the blast of cold will injure your character. If you don't have a cold-resistance item equipped, it will also slow your movement temporarily. Roll the ball near the column between the 3 machines and use it to reach the red skull (3/5) on top.
In co-op mode one character can reach the skull by jumping on top of another's shield.
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