Approach the sack of gems on the round pedestal to open the gate ahead. Gather the gems then move forward... trigger a cutscene in which AMMIT once again appears to harass you. As in previous levels, you can't fight her, only run away.
If you're attempting the point challenge, go for the gems on the square pedestals as you flee. Otherwise, just stick to the gears.
After crossing the first three gears, take a long running jump to the next gear with the flame jets. If you land on or the smaller, darker gear just below it, just climb up as quickly as you can. Then move counterclockwise around the top of this gear to avoid the flames.
Move onto the next gear, then the smaller one with the flame jet. Again, follow the flame as it moves around to the right to avoid being scorched. From there, jump onto the ledge ahead.
Try to avoid the
exploding mummies as you cross the ledge and hop onto the next gear in the chasm ahead.
Jump across the various gears, avoiding the spiked ledges. Again, if you're still working on the point challenge, run around the large gear to pick up the gems. Otherwise, just keep moving so Ammit doesn't catch you.
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