STELLA'S LARA CROFT GO WALKTHROUGH - Android, iOS, PS4 and Vita, Steam, and Windows Phone/PC/Tablet
Updated: 4/1/17(†)
Relic Fragments: 1
Gems: 1
Follow this link for my video walkthrough.
Smash the vase to the right of the staircase to get a CRYSTAL (12/14). Step forward, then to the lower right. Spirit Lara moves forward and left.
Pull the purple lever to shift the purple block in the mirror world to the left.
Step to the upper right twice, onto the teal block. Pull the lever to slide the teal block, with Lara standing on it, to the left. Meanwhile, Spirit Lara moves twice to the upper right, but since there's no lever on her side of the room, she just stands there.
Move twice to the lower left, then once to the lower right. Lara ends up back at the purple lever. Spirit Lara moves onto the purple block, which you moved earlier.
Use the purple lever again to shift the purple block, with Spirit Lara standing on it, to the right.
Move to the upper left, then twice to the upper right, onto the teal block with the lever. Spirit Lara continues to mirror your movements on the other side of the barrier.
Use the teal lever to move the teal block, with Lara standing on it, back to the right.
Now make your way around to the exit. Spirit Lara does the same on the other side of the room.
In the next area, climb the wall to the upper level. Spirit Lara does the same thing on the other side of the room.
Here we have 3 levers, all of which move the pink block in the mirror world. Since all of the levers are pink, we'll call them the left, middle, and right levers. Start by moving forward, then left to the middle lever. Spirit Lara moves forward then right, onto the pink block.
Pull the middle lever to slide the pink block, with Spirit Lara standing on it, to the left.
Move to the lower right, upper right, then lower right again, onto the green block. As you do this, Spirit Lara moves onto the green pressure pad on the far side of the room.
This shifts the green block, with Lara standing on top, to the left. Step off the green block. Then move to the lower left, then upper left, until Lara is standing next to the left lever. Meanwhile, Spirit Lara moves off the green pad and onto the pink block, and the green block slides back to the right.
Use the left lever to shift the pink block, with Spirit Lara on top, back to the right.
Move to the upper right, but don't use the middle lever. Then move through the shimmering barrier onto the pink block. Spirit Lara moves to the upper right, then to the lower right, stepping through the barrier and killing the spirit snake on the other side.
Move to the upper right, then the upper left.
Spirit Lara moves to the upper right, then to the lower right, ignoring the SPEAR since it doesn't exist in her world, and killing the second spirit snake.
Move to the lower left, twice to the lower right, crossing over the pink block and moving through the shimmering barrier. Then move once to the lower left ending at the left lever. Meanwhile, Spirit Lara moves to the lower left, twice to the upper left, then once more to the lower left, ending up on the pink block.
Pull the left lever to slide the pink block, with Spirit Lara standing on it, to the left.
Step to the lower right, then three times to the upper right, then once to the upper left to get the SPEAR. Spirit Lara mirrors your actions on the other side of the room.
Move down to the right lever and use it to shift the pink block back to the right. Spirit Lara moves back and left.
Move around to the middle lever. Meanwhile, Spirit Lara moves onto the pink block. Use the middle lever to shift the pink block, with Spirit Lara standing on it, back to the left.
Now move to the lower right, upper right, then lower right again, onto the green block. As you go, Spirit Lara moves onto the green pressure pad. This causes the green block, with Lara standing on top, to slide back to the left.
Use the spear to kill the snake that is blocking your path to the exit.
Head for the exit, but don't climb up yet. After Lara has moved off the green block, Spirit Lara steps off the pressure pad, returning the block to its original position. She then continues toward the exit on her side of the room.
Before you climb up to the exit, smash the vase on the right to obtain another piece of the EYE OF THE ABYSS (8/10).
†UPDATE HISTORY: 4/1/17 - Walkthrough first posted.
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Copyright © - Stellalune ( ). Screenshots for the Shard of Life expansion levels were made using the Steam version of Lara Croft GO. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. Share it with friends if you like, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy.
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