STELLA'S LARA CROFT GO WALKTHROUGH - Android, iOS, PS4 and Vita, Steam, and Windows Phone/PC/Tablet
Updated: 4/1/17(†)
Relic Fragments: 1
Gems: 2
Follow this link for my video walkthrough.
Step forward three times. As you pass in front of the pillar with the beam of light, you'll notice it activates the teal block to the upper right. This block slides forward when the beam is activated, then back once Lara moves out of the light. Step to the upper left once so Lara is standing next to the pillar with the light. Smash the vase hidden behind the sofa to obtain a CRYSTAL (5/14).
Now push the pillar with the light to the left.
Now pull the leftmost plain pillar once to the upper left.
Move around to the right side of this pillar and push it once to the lower left.
Return to the right side of the pillar with the light and pull it once.
Move around to the lower right side of the pillar with the light and pull it once more.
In order to make room to maneuver, push the plain pillar on Lara's right once to the upper right.
Then go around to the upper left side of this pillar and push it once more into the lower right corner.
Now the way is clear to move the pillar with the light all the way onto the teal platform. To do this, go around behind the pillar and push it once to the lower right.
Move around to the right side of the pillar with the light and pull it once to the upper right.
Now move around to the lower left side of the pillar with the light and push it three times so it ends up on the left side of the teal block.
Move to the right and step onto the teal block.
When Lara steps into the beam of light emanating from the pillar, the teal block slides forward, with Lara and the pillar on top.
Step off the teal block and cross the room to the lower right side of the plain pillar sitting near the bookshelves. The beam of light continues to shine on the snake, so the teal block remains in place.
Move around to the right side of this pillar and push it once to the lower left.
Return to the pillar with the light and pull it off the teal block, which then slides back to the left now that there is no living being within the beam. More importantly, the second teal block, which was floating above, now moves downward so it is level with the floor. Continue pulling the pillar with the light three more times, until Lara is standing on the second teal block.
Smash the vase concealed in the left corner above the green armchair for another CRYSTAL (6/14). Then move around to the upper left side of the pillar with the light.
Move around to the lower left side of the pillar with the light and push it onto the second teal block. activate the beam and move the block up to the next level. Proceed to the exit.
In the next area, step forward into the beam of light emanating from the first movable pillar. This activates the teal block trap on the ledge above the bookcases (not the gray block trap with the boulder).
Push the pillar with the light once to the upper right.
Go around to the right side of the pillar and pull it once.
Then move back around to the lower left side of the pillar with the light and push it twice, into the corner behind the second pillar.
Move around to the lower left side of the second pillar and push it once, next to the first pillar. Notice that when Lara steps out of the light from the first pillar, the beam continues to shine on the snake, so the teal block trap remains extended.
Climb up the wall on the left and kick the lever to activate the gray block trap, shoving the boulder off the ledge.
Pull up onto the ledge. As you do this, the boulder rolls once more, blocking the beam of light from reaching the snake. This retracts the teal block trap but just for this turn. Step forward in front of the block trap.
The boulder rolls on, the beam of light strikes the snake again, and the teal block pops out, shoving Lara off the ledge so she lands on top of the pillar with the light. Hop from there to the second pillar. Then climb onto the ledge above.
Before you go, break the vase off to the right to get another piece of the EYE OF THE ABYSS (4/10).
†UPDATE HISTORY: 4/1/17 - Walkthrough first posted.
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Copyright © - Stellalune ( ). Screenshots for the Shard of Life expansion levels were made using the Steam version of Lara Croft GO. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. Share it with friends if you like, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy.
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