STELLA'S LARA CROFT GO WALKTHROUGH - Android, iOS, PS4 and Vita, Steam, and Windows Phone/PC/Tablet
Updated: 3/19/17(†)
Relic Fragments: 1
Gems: 1
Follow this link for my video walkthrough.
From the starting point, step forward then to the lower right. Pull the lever to activate the blue block trap on the upper ledge, shoving the boulder with the blue stripe forward.
Step to the right onto the cracked floor. As you go, the boulder rolls off the ledge and squashes one of the 2 snakes sitting just below.
Move around to the right and approach the second snake from behind to shoot it. Meanwhile, the boulder rolls onto the cracked floor and falls through.
Step onto the snake that was previously flattened by the boulder and then climb onto the ledge above.
Move to the right three times and pick up the SPEAR. As Lara passes over the orange pressure pad, it triggers the corresponding arrow trap, temporarily disabling the snake sitting between Lara and the trap.
Do not step back onto the pressure pad right away, or you'll trigger the arrow trap again. A snake lying in pieces doesn't make much of a shield. Instead, hang from the edge, pull up, hang again, and pull up once more. This spends four turns, and the snake springs back to life.
Now you can move to the left onto the orange pad. The snake will absorb the arrows allowing Lara to pass safely.
Step off the pad onto the pile of snake bits, and throw the spear at the next snake, sitting in the corner near the lever.
Move over that snake to the lever, but don't use it yet.
Drop down onto the ledge below and smash the vase in the gap between the two lower ledges to find part of the SACRED BEETLE (10/11).
Move to the lower right, then the upper right, approaching the next snake from the side so Lara shoots it.
Step off the snake and onto the cracked floor to weaken it. Then climb back up to the lever.
Use the lever to activate the orange block trap, shoving the snake sitting in front of it off the ledge. This snake should then land on the cracked floor and fall through. Meanwhile, the snake next to the hole in the floor revives and waits for Lara to return.
Drop back down and approach the snake from the side again to shoot it.
Move around to the right side of the hole and climb onto the ledge. There is another snake up there, but since Lara pulls up beside it, rather than in front of it, she'll automatically shoot it. You can then proceed to the exit before the snake reanimates.
In the next area, push the freestanding pillar off the edge so it lands on the snake below on the right.
Step to the right to grab the SPEAR.
Now move to the left and drop down onto the second snake to shoot it with your pistols.
Move to the lower right and then push the pillar off the first snake and onto the cracked floor.
Then pull the pillar back on top of the snake.
Step over the snake on the left, which should still be in pieces, and climb back to the upper level. (If you step back too far after pulling the pillar and the snake springs back to life, just approach it from the left to shoot it. Then climb up.)
Climb onto the ledge above the snake and then hop on top of the movable pillar. From there you can use the spear to kill the third snake sitting on the pressure pad near the exit.
When this snake disappears and the pressure pad is no longer depressed, the block trap pops out, shoving the boulder forward. Hop from the pillar back to the ledge and climb down next to the snake on the left. It will have reanimated, but as before, approaching it from above causes Lara to shoot it. Meanwhile, the boulder continues to roll off the ledge and onto the cracked floor.
Move to the lower right and pull the pillar to the lower left, freeing the snake that had been pinned underneath it.
As the snake that had been under the pillar springs back to life, move around to the snake on the left and climb onto the ledge above it.
Drop down on top of the snake on the right to shoot it with your pistols.
Step over the boulder sitting in the hole where the cracked floor was. Smash the vase below on the right to obtain another piece of OBSIDIAN (12/13). Then climb up to the exit.
†UPDATE HISTORY: 3/19/17 - Walkthrough first posted.
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Copyright © - Stellalune ( ). Screenshots for the Shard of Life expansion levels were made using the Steam version of Lara Croft GO. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. Share it with friends if you like, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy.
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