STELLA'S LARA CROFT GO WALKTHROUGH - Android, iOS, PS4 and Vita, Steam, and Windows Phone/PC/Tablet
Updated: 9/8/15(†)
Relic Fragments: 0
Gems: 0
Follow this link for my video walkthrough.
After a long fall, Lara gets to her feet and examines her surroundings. Follow the only path out of the cave.
In the next cave, it doesn't matter whether you go left or right at the fork. Both paths end up in the same place. Here, I decided to go right.
In the next cave, continue straight ahead. (You have no choice.)
Climb the wall to the cave above.
Continue forward. (Again there's no choice of paths here.)
At the fork in the next cave, go left. (If you go to the right, you'll hit a dead end and have to return here and choose the other path.)
Lara emerges on a ledge high above a mist-shrouded canyon. Follow the path through the doorway on the left... emerge on another ledge on the other side of the same canyon. Go through the doorway on the left.
Hang from the ledge and kick the lever to open a path elsewhere. Then pull up and return through the doorway you just came from.
Back in the previous cave, where there were two possible paths, there are now three. Move to the upper left and follow the newly opened third pathway.
Lara emerges on a small ledge.
Climb down the wall and go through the doorway.
You emerge in a red cave with square blocks sitting in a deep chasm. As you hop across the blocks, more blocks appear ahead of you. Make your way over to the right.
When you've gone as far as you can, you'll see the level exit but find the next gap is too far to cross. Hop back to the previous block and then over to the block on the right.
Another block rises up on the right. Hop onto it and yet another block rises to the upper right, but you still can't reach the exit from here.
Hop back to the previous block, then across the next two blocks to the lower left. This raises a new block to the right.
Now continue working your way around the cavern counterclockwise, jumping onto new blocks as they appear, until you come back around to the exit.
†UPDATE HISTORY: 9/8/15 - Walkthrough first posted, along with video.
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Copyright © - Stellalune ( ). Screenshots were made using the Andy Android emulator. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. Share it with friends if you like, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy.
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