Stella's Walkthroughs - Tomb Raider Legend for Nintendo Game Boy Advance
LEVEL 4: GHANA | Updated: 3/15/07(†) |
JUNGLE PATH ABOVE POOL: Follow the path to the right and jump into the pool. Swim down and to the right to retrieve a bronze reward. Surface and climb out of the water on the right. Continue to the right to the level's first CHECKPOINT.
A brief cut scene shows Lara meeting James Rutland and finding a way into the temple.
DANGLING ROPES & PIRANHA POOLS: In the next area, kill the leopard and head to the right toward a piranha-infested pool. (Never mind the fact that piranhas live in South America, not Africa. Maybe there's a piranha-like fish native to Africa that I'm not aware of.) In any case, avoid the water or Lara will take damage from the fish.
Jump onto the raft and then swing and jump from rope to rope to reach the next ledge. Take a running jump to grab the rope above the next piranha pool. Then swing and jump to the other side of the pool. Jump across two more small pools then go up the stairs. Soot the soldier at the top, take whatever item he drops and continue to the right to the next CHECKPOINT.
TIMED DOOR & SPEAR TRAPS: In the next room, shoot the mercenary then go down the stairs and up the next set of stairs. The gold pressure pad opens a door to the right beyond the 4 sets of retracting spears. When Lara steps on the pad, the door opens and immediately starts to close. So stand to the left of the pad. Then, when the first set of spears is almost fully extended, run across the pad. Keep running past all four sets of spears, then roll under the door before it closes. Beyond the door is a CHECKPOINT.
ROOM WITH BIG ROTATING WHEELS: Shoot the mercenary and take his shotgun (or whatever). Then continue to the right. Climb onto the ledge and kill another soldier. Ignore the dangling rope. Instead climb down and pass beneath the rotating wheel. When you reach the right wall, climb onto the ledge above. Jump to grab one of the protruding spokes on the rotating wheel. Ride it as it moves up and around. Then swing, jump and grab the wall on the right. Pull up, climb down on the other side and pick up another bronze reward in the right corner. Climb back up on the left and jump to grab the rotating wheel. Or stand directly beneath it and jump straight up to grab one of the spokes. Ride up and around. Then swing, jump and grab the ladder to the right. Climb up to the next CHECKPOINT.
LADDERS & HORIZONTAL CREVICES: Continue up the ladder. At the top, jump the gap to the left to get a silver reward. Jump back across to the right and continue to another ladder. Climb to the top and then jump to the left to grab a horizontal crevice.
Now make your way along the horizontal crevices: First traverse to the left, then jump up twice. Jump to the next handhold on the right. Then climb all the way to the right wall. Jump straight up twice more, then jump to the left to grab a longer crevice. Climb to the left, then jump to the left. From there, jump straight up to grab another longer crevice. Again climb to the left then jump to the left. Climb along this crevice and then jump to grab the ladder to the left.
Climb the ladder and jump across the gap to the right. Continue to the right, shoot the leopard and continue to the next CHECKPOINT.
BALANCED PLATFORMS: Step to the right, but watch out for the gap in the floor. There's a piranha pool below. Shoot the leopard across the gap before jumping over. Climb over to the right to the balanced platforms. Jump onto the left platform. Stand at the left side and ride down. When the platforms stop moving, take a running jump to grab the edge of the platform to the right. Pull up and immediately take a running jump to grab the ledge on the right before the right platform sinks too low. If you miss, climb up on the left and try again.
Hop over to the ledge ahead then drop down several handholds onto a raft floating in the pool. Avoid the water; again it's full of piranhas. Attach the grapple to each of the golden anchor points on the pillars ahead and pull the raft along to the right. Pull the raft up against the right wall and climb up.
Climb to the top of the ladder to retrieve a bronze reward. Then climb about halfway down and jump to grab the dark horizontal crevice on the wall just to the right of the ladder (the higher crevice of the two).
SECOND SET OF BALANCED PLATFORMS: To the right is another pair of balanced platforms. Getting across them is a little trickier than the previous set. First jump from the left side of the crevice from which Lara is hanging (not the right) to the dangling platform. Hang from the left edge of the platform and pull up. This will give you more room to make the next jump. When the two platforms move level with each other, take a running jump onto the right platform. Keep running and jump to grab the ladder beyond.
If Lara hangs from the platform instead of jumping, you may just have time to pull up, turn and try the jump to the ladder again, but don't push it. If the platform sinks too far, Lara will miss the ladder and fall. You're probably better off hanging from the platform until it moves all the way down. Then drop to the ground, return to the ladder on the left and try again.
Once you reach the top of the ladder beyond the balanced platforms, go right to the next CHECKPOINT.
WIDE POOL WITH HANDHOLDS ON WALL: Climb down the ladder just below the starting point to get a gold reward. (It's possible to swim across the pool but there's nothing there.) Climb back up the ladder and grapple swing across the gap to the right. Continue to right and jump to grab one of the small horizontal ledges on the wall ahead. Make your way along these handholds to the ledge at the top right of the room. Pull up and continue to a CHECKPOINT.
BIG ROOM WITH PIT AND HANDHOLDS ON WALL: Go to the left, jump the gap and climb down the ladder. Don't drop off at the bottom of the ladder though, or Lara will fall and die. Instead jump to grab the horizontal crevice to the right. Climb to the right and jump to grab the next crevice. Again climb to the right and drop to grab the smaller crevice below. Climb to the right and jump to grab the next crevice. This time, climb to the right but not all the way to the edge of the crevice. Jump from there to grab the crevice near the wall. Drop down twice and then climb to the left. Jump to grab the next crevice. Drop down twice more, climb along the crevice to the right and then jump to the ledge at the top of the ladder near the right wall.
Climb down the ladder, kill the leopard lurking at the bottom and then go to the left. Climb down another ladder to a CHECKPOINT.
SPINNING BLADES: Shoot the soldier and head to the right toward a spinning blade moving in a track along the wall. As it moves toward Lara, take a running jump over it and keep going. Repeat the process with several similar spinning blades. Then continue up the stairs to the next CHECKPOINT.
ROLLING BOULDER: Slide down the slope. The huge boulder rolls down after Lara. Ahead are several spears set at different heights blocking the way. Run to the right and roll under the first spear. Then jump over the second. Roll under the third and jump over the fourth. (It helps to begin rolling a few steps before the first spear. Then you can jump over the next without running into it and continue past the next two spears in a smooth sequence.) After the fourth spear, take a running jump over the spike pit and run to the right to the CHECKPOINT.
HORIZONTAL BARS & DANGLING PLATFORMS ABOVE DEEP PIT: Move to the edge of the pit. Don't drop down. It's too far to fall. Take a running jump to grab the horizontal bar ahead. Swing around and jump to grab a handhold on the wall to the right. Climb to the top of that wall. Don't drop down on the other side. Instead, jump from the middle of the ledge (not the edge) to grab the next horizontal bar. Swing and jump to the other side.
Go up the stairs and jump onto the dangling platform. (Again, don't drop down; the fall is too far.) Ride the platform all the way down and step off on the right. Jump to the next platform and from there to the ledge on the right.
Cross in front of the waterfall and take a running jump to the narrow ledge beyond. From there, jump to grab the edge of the wall ahead. Pull up. Get the bronze reward and then stand under the left side of the wall overhead and jump up to grab a handhold. Jump grab the horizontal bar. Swing, jump and grab the next ledge. Pull up and continue to another CHECKPOINT.
SPIKE PITS & WOODEN BRIDGE: Immediately kill the attacking leopard. Go up the steps, grapple swing across 2 spike pits. Pick up the silver reward and then grapple swing across the third spike pit. Shoot the mercenary and cross the wooden bridge. Kill 2 more mercenaries beyond the bridge, pick up all the dropped items, and continue to the right to the next CHECKPOINT.
HORIZONTAL SWINGING BARS & SQUAD OF SOLDIERS: Go to the right. Kill the soldier and climb onto the next ledge. Jump to grab the horizontal bar to the left. Swing around and jump to grab the next bar. Swing and jump to grab a handhold on the wall ahead. Climb up several handholds. At the top, jump to grab the horizontal bar to the right. Swing, jump and grab the next bar. Swing, jump and grab the ledge ahead. Pull up. Kill another mercenary. Continue to the right, where you'll meet 4 more mercenaries, one before the wooden bridge, the rest beyond it. All the soldiers in this section drop the usual items. Beyond where they were standing is another CHECKPOINT.
SMALLER ROLLING BOULDERS: Kill another leopard. Then stand beneath the edge of the overhanging ledge and jump up to grab it. Pull up. Take a few steps to the right to trigger a rolling boulder. Then quickly run back down to the left, run off the ledge and move to the right under the overhang. After the boulder passes, climb back up and continue to the right. Either jump or use the dangling rope to swing across the pit ahead, but get ready to backtrack quickly because another rolling boulder comes down the slope. Swing or jump back across the pit before the boulder flattens Lara. After the boulder falls into the pit, continue up the stairs to another CHECKPOINT.
FIGHTING RUTLAND: The room where Lara confronts James Rutland contains 3 pedestals, which he can use to magically heal himself. Until these are disabled, you can shoot at him all you want but he'll just jump onto one of the pedestals, regenerate and come back at you.
So, at the start of the battle, concentrate on disabling the pedestals while dodging Rutland's attacks—grenades tossed from a distance and slashes with his sword fragment at close range. You can also shoot at him until he runs off to heal and then concentrate on the pedestals.
Use the grapple to target the red "eyes" on each pedestal. You'll need to stand a bit to the left or right of each one, throw the grapple and then pull to detach the eyes, which then fall to the floor. Once all three pedestals have been disabled, Rutland loses his ability to heal and you can defeat him with your weapon of choice.
In the ensuing cut scene, Lara takes Rutland's piece of the sword. She then realizes it's not actually broken but meant to come apart and re-assemble using the Ghalali key. Rutland says it's no good without all the pieces and tells Lara that Amanda is already searching for the next piece in Kazakhstan.
After the cut scene it's on to a new level.
†UPDATE HISTORY: 3/15/07 - Walkthrough first posted.
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