Hang on! Help is on the way. Download a Tomb Raider savegame file.
Click on the name of each level to download a collection of saves for it. A text file is included in the download describing where each save was made. Again, instructions for installing Legend saves can be found here.
Croft Manor - no saves available (*)
Level 1: Bolivia
Level 2: Peru(*)
Level 3: Japan
Level 4: Ghana (West Africa)
Level 5: Kazakhstan
Level 6: England
Level 7: Nepal
Level 8: Bolivia Redux
Tomb Raider: Legend 100% Save - Includes two saves: one file with the main game completed and all rewards but no time trials; and one file with all rewards, time trials, cheat codes and extras unlocked.
Complete Legend Saves - All of the above in one big zip file.
*CROFT MANOR: You cannot save the game while playing in Croft Manor. The game does autosave, and when you quit it allows you to save the rewards you've found so far. These are added to your current save from the main storyline. The Peru collection (above) includes two saves for the start of the level, one with Croft Manor untouched, one with Croft Manor completed. All subsequent saves have Croft Manor completed.