PlayStation Tomb Raider Cheat Codes

Please keep in mind that I only have the PC version of these games, so I can't vouch for the accuracy of any of the console cheats. Unless otherwise indicated, cheats are done during gameplay and are based on the default control configuration. If you have changed any controls, either try the cheats with the corresponding keys you've assigned, or revert to the defaults before entering cheats.

NOTE: Where the codes differ, this page lists both PAL and NTSC PlayStation codes. PAL and NTSC are the two main formats used by television manufacturers worldwide. Most TVs and consequently most game consoles sold in the Americas, Japan and South Korea are NTSC format; most TVs and consoles sold in the rest of Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia are PAL format. If you're not sure which version you have, there should be a sticker on the bottom of the console indicating one or the other format. You can also find more information on Wikipedia's PAL and NTSC pages.

NOTE TO VITA PLAYERS: As noted below, some but not all of the original PS1 cheat codes also work on the PSVita. You will need to assign the L2 and R2 buttons to the front touch screen and use digital controls (i.e., the pad and not the analog sticks) for entering the cheats. Thanks to Andrew S. for this info. I'm still not sure if the NTSC codes work.


See here for Tomb Raider 1-2-3 Remastered.

PlayStation TR1 Level Skip (NTSC version): Press Select to go to the inventory screen. Then press these keys in sequence: L2, R2, L1, Circle, Triangle, L1, R2, L2. Then press Select to skip to the next level.

PlayStation TR1 Level Skip (PAL version): Press Select to go to the inventory screen. Then press these keys in sequence: L2, R2, Triangle, L1, L1, Circle, R2, L2. The press Select to skip to the next level. (Confirmed to work for PSVita as well.)

PlayStation TR1 All-Weapons & Ammo (NTSC version): Press Select to go to the inventory screen. Then press the following keys in sequence: L1, Triangle, R2, L2, L2, R2, Circle, L1.

PlayStation TR1 All-Weapons & Ammo (PAL version): Press Select to go to the inventory screen. Then press the following keys in sequence: L1, Triangle, L2, R2, R2, L2, Circle, L1. (Confirmed to work for PSVita as well.)

Alternatively, beat the game and then, without quitting, start a new game. You should then have all weapons and ammo.


See here for Tomb Raider 1-2-3 Remastered.

NOTE: A few players have reported that the PAL codes do not work for them and instead make Lara explode. If this happens to you, try the alternate versions or the NTSC versions of the same codes.

PlayStation TR2 Level Skip (NTSC version): Hold walk (R1) and use the D-Pad to sidestep left, sidestep right, sidestep left, step back, and step forward. Release walk, turn around three times in either direction, jump forward and roll in mid-air (Up + Square, Circle).

PlayStation TR2 Level Skip (PAL version): Light a flare (L2). Hold walk (R1) and use the D-Pad to step forward, then step back. Release walk, turn around three times in either direction. Then jump forward (Up + Square).

Or, if the above doesn't work for you, try this: Hold walk and step left, right, left, forward, then back. Release walk and hold Left to spin around three times. Then quickly do a foward jump and roll (Square + Down and then Circle). (This alternative version is confirmed to work for PSVita as well.)

Or, hold walk and step left, right, left, backward, forward. Spin around three times in either direction. Then quickly do a foward jump and roll (Square + forward and then Circle).

PlayStation TR2 All Weapons & Ammo (NTSC version): Hold walk (R1) and sidestep left, sidestep right, sidestep left, step back, and step forward. Release walk, turn around three times in either direction, back flip and roll in mid-air (Down + Square, Circle).

PlayStation TR2 All Weapons & Ammo (PAL version): Light a flare (L2). Hold walk (R1) and use the D-Pad to step forward, then step back. Release walk, turn around three times in either direction, then back flip (Down + Square).

Or, if the above doesn't work for you, try this: Hold Walk and then step right, step left, step right, step left, step back, step forward, turn three times in either direction. Then back flip (Down + Square). (This alternative version is confirmed to work for PSVita as well.)

Or, hold walk and then step left, right, left, back, forward. Then spin around two times in either direction. Then quickly do a backflip and roll (Square + Down and then Circle).

PlayStation Infinite Flares: Enable the All-Weapons Cheat above, then press Triangle to draw pistols (not sure if it matters which guns are selected). Press L2. A flare will appear even if there are no flares in inventory.

PlayStation Exploding Lara: Hold walk (R1) and use the D-Pad to step forward then step back. Still holding walk, turn around three times in either direction, then back flip (Down + Square).

Or, if the above doesn't work for you, try this: Hold Walk and then step left, right, left, forward, then back. Release walk and hold Left to spin around five times. Then back flip (Down + Square).


See here for Tomb Raider 1-2-3 Remastered.

IMPORTANT: Do not use the trick of beating the game and then starting a new game to get all weapons and ammo. This will work, but it can result in a bug in which some or all of the middle locations (Nevada, South Pacific and London) are skipped.

Level Skip: Quickly press L2, R2, L2 (twice), R2, L2, R2, L2, R2, L2 (four times), R2, L2, R2 (four times), L2 during game play. If you entered the code correctly, Lara will say "No." (Confirmed to work for PSVita as well.)

All Weapons & Ammo: Quickly press L2, R2 (twice), L2 (four times), R2, L2, R2 (twice), L2, R2 (twice), L2 (twice), R2, L2 (twice), R2 during game play. You'll hear Lara scream if you've entered the code correctly. This code also gives medipaks, flares and save crystals. (Confirmed to work for PSVita as well.)

PlayStation All Items/Secrets: Quickly press L2 (five times), R2, L2 (three times), R2, L2, R2, L2 (twice), R2, L2 (twice), R2, L2 (twice) during game play. You'll hear Lara sigh if you've entered the cheat correctly. NOTE: This gives you all items, such as keys, puzzle pieces, etc., and a score of 8 secrets for any level in which you enter it. In order to access the bonus level at the end of the game, you need to find or cheat at least 59 secrets during the course of the game. (Confirmed to work for PSVita as well.)

Get Race Track Key (in Training Level): Quickly press R2, L2 (three times), R2, L2 (six times), R2, L2 (five times), R2, L2 (twice) during game play. You'll hear Lara say "No" if you've entered the cheat correctly.

Full Health: Quickly press R2 (twice), L2, R2, L2 (six times), R2, L2 (three times), R2, L2 (five times) during game play. You'll hear Lara sigh if you've entered the cheat correctly.

Useful Ammo Glitch (PC, Mac and PlayStation): This useful bug allows you to fire powerful ammo, like grenades or rockets, using rapid-fire weapons like the MP5 or harpoon gun. Basically it works with all the weapons Lara holds using both hands and cannot use while crouching—so all except the pistols, Uzis and Desert Eagle.

  1. If you already have the two weapons you want to combine, you can skip to the next step. Otherwise, use the all-weapons cheat (above) first.

  2. Select any weapon that Lara cannot use while crouching. Then holster it so Lara will be able to crouch.

  3. Press and hold the Crouch + Forward + Draw/Holster weapons buttons simultaneously (i.e., L2 + Up + Triangle).

  4. Lara should crouch and then go through a jerky set of motions in which she gets down on one knee, then all fours, then back on one knee while gradually creeping forward. Continue holding these buttons until the weapon on Lara's back disappears. Then release the controls and let her stand up. You'll see she's now holding the normally two-handed weapon in one hand with her arms at her sides.

  5. Select another gun—again, not the pistols, Uzis or Desert Eagle, as these will simply cause her to switch to those weapons. The first gun will now fire the second gun's ammo. So, for example, if you equip the MP5 in step 2 then the rocket launcher in step 4, the MP5 will rapidly fire rockets.

Or, try this abbreviated version for PC/Mac only:

  1. Crouch.
  2. Press the hotkey for the firing rate you want (e.g., 6 for MP3).
  3. Tap forward, making sure Lara crawls forward a step.
  4. Press the hotkey for the ammo type you want (i.e., 1=pistols, 2=shotgun, 3=Desert Eagle pistol, 4=Uzis, 5=harpoon gun, 6=MP5, 7=rocket launcher, 8=grenade launcher).
  5. Stand and you should be good to go with the enhanced weapon.

If you'd like to see these tricks done, check out these short video walkthroughs for the original version or shorter PC/Mac version. Thanks to Serious Hat and eXDax for sharing these useful tricks.


Tomb Raider 4-5-6 Remastered Cheats coming soon.

WARNING: Using the all-items/all special items cheats on the PlayStation can result in a serious bug. These cheats may give you all the items in the current level, but they occasionally erase items you've collected previously, including crucial puzzle items. Also, some players have reported being unable to save their game after using the cheats. Proceed with caution. Save your game before entering any cheat and check carefully to make sure you've still got everything you had previously before saving again.

If you have trouble making Lara face exactly north, see the note after the cheats.

Level Skip: Use the compass to position Lara facing due north.** Go to the inventory screen and highlight Load Game. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Up together for a moment. (Some versions of this cheat say to press Triangle after this button combination.) Then exit the inventory screen.

All Weapons, Infinite Ammo & medipaks: Use the compass to position Lara facing due north.** Go to the inventory screen and highlight the small medipak. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Up together for a moment. (Some versions of this cheat say to press Triangle after this button combination.) Then exit the inventory screen and you should have everything. (Confirmed to work for PSVita as well.)

All Items: First read the important warning above. Use the compass to position Lara facing due north.** Go to the inventory screen and highlight the large medipak. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Down together for a moment. (Some versions of this cheat say to press Triangle after this button combination.) Then exit the inventory screen and you should have everything.

All Special Items (keys, artifacts, etc.): First read the important warning above. Use the compass to position Lara facing due north.** Then go into the inventory screen. Highlight the large medipak selection, press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Down together for a moment. Then press Square, Triangle, Circle.

(**NOTE ON FACING NORTH: The compass is on the inventory screen. When Lara is facing due North, the red point on the needle points directly to 'N' and the compass needle turns transparent—at least it does on the consoles and on most PC video cards. If you're having trouble positioning her, find a ledge or block that runs east to west and grab the edge from the south side. Then either let go or climb up and Lara should be facing north. If you find that facing north doesn't work, you might try facing EAST instead. I had an email from one raider who says this worked for him with the PC all-weapons cheat.)


Tomb Raider 4-5-6 Remastered Cheats coming soon.

All Items: Go to the inventory screen and highlight the stopwatch. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Down together for a moment. (Some versions of this cheat say to press Triangle after this button combination.) Then exit the inventory screen and you should have everything, including keys/puzzle items.

All Items (Beta Version): Go to the inventory screen and highlight the large medipak. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Down together for a moment. Then press Triangle. Exit the inventory screen and you should have everything, including keys/puzzle items.

All Weapons, Infinite Ammo & medipaks: Go to the inventory screen and highlight the stopwatch. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Up together for a moment. (Some versions of this cheat say to press Triangle after this button combination.) Then exit the inventory screen and you should have everything. (Confirmed to work for PSVita as well.)

All Weapons, Infinite Ammo & medipaks (Beta Version): Go to the inventory screen and highlight the small medipak. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Up together for a moment. Then press Triangle. Exit the inventory screen and you should have everything.

Level Skip: These cheats allow you to skip to the beginning of the first level in each chapter.

Russian Base Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. Hold L1 and press X. (Some versions of this cheat say to press L1 + Up, then X.)

Ireland Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. Hold L2 and press X. (Some versions of this cheat say to press L2 + Up, then X.)

VCI Headquarters Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. Hold R1 and press X. (Some versions of this cheat say to press R1 + Up, then X.)

View FMV Sequences (Beta Version): At the main menu press Select + R2.

Access Special Features: Go to the inventory screen and highlight the stopwatch. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Down + Circle and press Triangle. Exit to the main menu and you should now be able to access the "Special Features" option. (Some versions of this cheat say it is the same as the All-Items cheat above.)


Tomb Raider 4-5-6 Remastered Cheats coming soon.

In addition to the codes below, there are several useful bugs that work on all systems. These are described on the TR6 Cheats page. Codebreaker and Gameshark codes are also listed on the TR6 Cheats page.

PlayStation 2 Level Skip: While playing, choose the Load Game option and highlight any save file. Then press R2 + SQUARE. Exit the inventory screen and the level should complete automatically.

PlayStation 2 Level Select: Press Start to pause the game. Hold L1 + R2 + Down + Triangle (all together). Release and then press the following buttons in rapid sequence: Circle, Up, Square, Triangle, Right, Down. If it doesn't work the first time, un-pause the game, then re-pause and try again. When the code is entered correctly, this unlocks the Skip Level and Level Select options on the Start menu. These should remain available for the rest of the game.

NOTE: Some people have told me that this code doesn't work. I don't have a PlayStation to test it, but more than a dozen raiders have contacted me to confirm that it does work, but only if you enter the code quickly and smoothly, without hesitating between button presses. One player suggests pressing down the first part of the sequence (L1 + R2 + Down + Triangle) all at the exact same time, then releasing them right away and immediately going into the other sequence of buttons. It may also help to only try the sequence once each time you pause the game (i.e., if it doesn't work, un-pause, pause again, then try the code again).


Codes are similar for all platforms. Please see the Legend Cheats page.


Codes are similar for all platforms. Please see the Anniversary Cheats page.



       Bulletproof Lara: Hold L2 and press X, R2, Triangle, R2, Square, L1.
       One-Shot Kill: Hold L2 and press Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, L1, Circle.
       Show Enemy Health: Hold L2 and press Square, Circle, X, L1, R2, Triangle.

       In each case, if you enter the code correctly, a chime sounds.


       Bulletproof Lara: Hold L1 and press X, R1, Triangle, R1, Square, L2.
       One-Shot Kill: Hold L1 and press Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, L2, Circle.
       Show Enemy Health: Hold L1 and press Square, Circle, X, L2, R1, Triangle.

       In each case, if you enter the code correctly, a chime sounds.

Thanks to Taylor and RG for sharing the Underworld info and Laracroftswest, who apparently made the original discovery that some of the Legend cheat codes work in this game. For more info on how the codes work and links to the forum threads where these discoveries were first posted, please visit RG's Tomb Raider Fan Site. I'm also grateful to Shelby for correcting the PS2 codes I had originally listed here.

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Walkthrough text and related diagrams copyright © 1998- Stellalune. All rights reserved. Special thanks to Richard M., Kathleen and Tiernan for their help with the PS2 AOD codes. Feel free to link to this page but do not copy it. To give me your feedback, send email to or visit Lara Croft, Tomb Raider, and the Tomb Raider logo are trademarks of the Crystal Dynamics group of companies. All rights reserved.