Area 51 - Computer Room with Catwalks (part 1)

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If you want all the kills, head into the room but don't kill the baton-wielding MP yet. Let him run down the hall to the right...

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..and use the handprint scanner.

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This activates a set of laser tripwires connected to the gun turret in the main room and alerts another soldier, who emerges from the hallway on the left (i.e., directly opposite the hallway with the scanner). Kill both men and destroy the turret so you can continue exploring.

NOTE: Alternatively, kill the MP before he can arm the lasers and call the other soldier. Not having to deal with the gun turret makes the next sequence easier.

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Climb onto the bank of computers in the middle of the room, move to either end, and jump to grab the edge of the catwalk on the side wall. Press the button to call in a soldier.

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Then drop down and eliminate him. Note that the soldier does not come through the door you open with the button; he appears in the hallway below the catwalk. As long as the laser tripwires haven't been activated (or you destroyed the gun turret), you can run and jump around all you like as you fight. If you haven't destroyed the turret, take care that you don't hit it by accident or it will start shooting.

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Repeat this process with the catwalk and button on the other side of the room.

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Again, the soldier comes out of the hallway below the catwalk, not through the doors that open when you press the button.

[Part 2 | Return to the Area 51 Walkthrough]